Sigh... that is so much deeper than I have delved into this program. I just wanted to get rid of some of the distracting lights in the foreground. I guess I am going to have to bite the bullet and learn how to use layers.

Being a glutton for punishment smile I have reworked the picture once again. I'm sure you sharp-eyed wizards will be able to find the edits, but without zooming in, just viewing it as a full-screen picture, are they still all that obvious, and if so, are they objectionable? I left one really bright light in the picture because I simply can't get rid of it. I know it can be done, I just don't [yet] have the skill. No doubt one of you wise guys will effortlessly take care of it just to show me up smile and when you do, please describe in excruciating detail how you did it so I can try to duplicate it in the full-resolution version in my computer.


edit: I thought I did well with the OXXO sign (just below the islet).

2010-05-25 Moon Over Chapala working2-W1280.jpg (108 downloads)

Edited by tanstaafl. (27/05/2010 20:58)
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"