Originally Posted By: andym
I've not looked into it far enough, but does Aiport Extreme + USB Drive == Time Capsule?

Yes. Apple says you had to have a Time Capsule, but this seems to have changed with 10.6. I plugged in a disk to my Airport, and Snow Leopard on my Air saw it as a valid backup destination, without any under the hood config tweaks. I'm letting it do a backup now, and will make sure it sees it as a valid restore option when booted off the Snow Leopard DVD.

Originally Posted By: andym
I'm sure it's just the paranoid pseudo-sysadmin in me but, but if I value 'any' data then sticking it on a single disc doesn't seem safe.

If you only use a Time Capsule for backups, then the data is in two places, on the machine and on the Time Capsule. The risk comes in if you also use it as a normal NAS for file storage. You could plug in disks to the USB port on the Time Capsule, and backup the internal drive files to an external drive, though it's not an automated function of the Time Capsule, like it is on the ReadyNAS.