Originally Posted By: tman

Nope. Not much you can do about it. Buy more set top boxes or tuner cards + smartcards. The companies want you to buy more anyway. I don't know of any single device that will tune to all available channels, decode them all and then distribute them around the house. They do this in a hotel by having a stack of receivers.

That's a true shame. I'm guessing everybody who switched to digital TV has this problem, 'cause about everybody has more than one TV set in the house these days. The company that can come up with a simple solution to this that truly works will make some serious money me thinks. All that would be necessary is a centralised set-top box (in which then all the necessary CAM modules/Smart cards should be plugged) with multiple HDMI outs which could be each send out a separate video stream. You should then use UTP or something for the remote control return path.

Hmmm... here's hoping!

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