Originally Posted By: Archeon
blushThanks! As you can see, I'm not that Linux savvy yet.

That's okay. We don't mind helping people learn. smile

In this case, Mark used a convention of bold text being commands you enter on the command line (followed by <enter>), and non-bold text being the text you see as a result.

Other people will use a convention that uses a leading string to denote a command prompt, and you only type in the things that have the leading command prompt:
    unix> hdparm -N /dev/sdb
    max sectors = 65134/1953525168, HPA is enabled
    unix> hdparm -Np1953525168 /dev/sdb
    max sectors = 1953525168/1953525168, HPA is disabled

There, the command prompt string is "unix>". It's usually just abbreviated to ">", but it may be any arbitrary string, such as a machine host name, or the directory the user was in when executing the commands, and isn't any different than the usual "C:\>" you'd see for a DOS prompt.
