Pieter: Ken, it has been great to see you.

Ken: Yeah, it has been a long time since Katanga. We should get together more often.

Pieter: And we aren't getting any younger, eh?

Ken: No we're not...hey, that makes me think...maybe you have some thoughts...

Pieter: Eh?

Ken: Well, it's Annie.

Pieter: Annie? Is everything alright?

Ken: Oh, yes, yes. It's just that...Annie is in great health...but I wonder: What if something should happen to me?

Pieter: Well, you have insurance, right?

Ken: Yes, yes, Annie would never want for anything. She'll be well taken care of.

Pieter: So where is the concern, old chap?

Ken: Well, it's all of my munitions in the carriage house.

Pieter: Oh, Ken, no worry. Just do what Inge and I did! One call to UXB of Omaha did the trick.

Ken: UXB of Omaha?

Pieter: Yes, UXB of Omaha's Black Cross plan will guarantee that Annie will never have to worry about so much as a blasting cap....and you can sleep soundly. Rates are very affordable, no inspection is required, it only takes 10 minutes to sign up, and, if something should happen to you, UXB of Omaha will put all of your munitions beyond use.

Ken: UXB of Omaha, you say? I'll make the call.


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.