I've forgotten the details, but tftpd-hpa is "quirky". I did figure it out once, but nowadays I generally just avoid it and install the traditional tftpd server instead.

Oh, waitasec.. that's not an option for you, as you're trying to set up a pxelinux boot environment. Peter Anvin (hpa) wrote that as well, and it only works with his own funky tftpd server.

So.. put this (below) into your /etc/default/tftpd-hpa file:

#Defaults for tftpd-hpa
OPTIONS="-l -s /var/lib/tftpboot"

That last line above should have the path to your tftpd directory tree,
and the "-l" part says to run it as a standalone daemon rather than
via (x)inetd.


Edited by mlord (03/06/2007 18:39)