Something like what Tom said. There are a few departments with in work that I steer clear of and Legal is one of them, most other departments I'll push the issue or at least get a decent excuse.

Mean time I need to be creative and figure a way around this.
Chad, thanks for the suggestions, I've tried them and failed, though it was a third party who did the testing as I didn't have hardware access at the time - I do now.

The suitation I'm in is strange, I need to make the adding and removing of the hardware as simple as possible, hence I want to remove the driver install section, however the computer to which the hardware was connected to will eventually ship to a customer which is where Legal step in. Time to start banging my head against the wall.

On a side issue my VMware ESX install is coming along nicely, If anyone want to pop in and have a look see in a few months just PM me.