Bruno, I sometimes think we're looking at different software. I have absolutely no idea why you have such a downer on MythTV. I've never had to 'screw around' with Myth, it just worked. Take it from somebody who has used Myth for nearly 2 years now. As for the comment about it being under-developed, you've clearly not bothered looking at the cvs commits, there are people who seem to spend every waking minute improving, fixing and adding features. As for being over-engineered, what's wrong with that? Because it's design you can deploy it in a mind-boggling array of different configurations.

It pisses me off that you seem to take every opportunity to have a swipe at it. If you found it difficult to get going then maybe you need to brush up on your linux skills, because it was a piece of cake to get going and is a joy to use.

Andy M