Here's a shot from the inside of the car showing the back of the amp where all the controls are located. You can more clearly see the rear aluminum brackets and the (as yet) dangling untrimmed and untucked wiring. You can also see one of the speaker baskets sitting on top of the parcel shelf waiting to be re-installed.

After connecting the molex ends and putting back the original wire-ties, routed the harness and new wiring over top of the cross-overs. The cross-overs are mounted to a 1/8" thick piece of MDF (masonite (brand name) fibreboard) that is mounted to the factory amp location on the left side of the car near the shock tower and wheel well.

The left-side speaker basket is missing in this picture and you can just see its connector hanging to the right of the cross-overs near the opening that goes into the cabin. The copper-coloured cable is for the sub and is routed along a crevice so it won't cause interfence/bulging when the cover/carpet is put back.

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