Thanks for the reply. Yes, the symlink was added and is pointing /usr/share/roadmap to /drive0/roadmap. Not sure how to register the large font or even if it matters? Roadmapgpsapp is functioning, just no map overlap. Played with menu items, like Toggle Map and switched b/w Text/Map/Sats screens, but no roadmap. Also, increased reservecache from 32 to 64, didn't help. Re-downloaded all roadmapgpsapp files to empeg, no change. All roadmap data files expanded properly in /drive0/roadmap.
General.Database: /drive0/roadmap,/usr/share/roadmap

Not sure where to look next?

Do you have your map files for your state and the master index (the usdir file) in the roadmap directory? When you try to toggle to the screen that displays the address information what if anything shows? It's strange it's not displaying any other errors- usually it complains if it can't find a map file or something.