Okay, here's a question. In windows 2000, if I have a USB flash card reader and I unplug it, I get that stupid "You have unplugged..." dialog box. Does that also happen with a firewire enclosure? If not, I'll definitely get firewire.

Side note: Anyone ever find a way to get rid of that dialog box in windows 2000?

Fix the problem, not the dialog box...

In other words, the reason it is complaining is likely that write cache is enabled to that device, and no storage device in any OS or hardware storage box is hot removable with write cache enabled.

Regarding the Firewire/USB solution, my personal preference is powered Firewire. You can get 2.5 inch drive enclosures that can power themselves off the Firewire port.

And yes, if you have a 4/6 pin firewire port, it's 1394 A aka Firewire 400. Firewire 800 has 8 pins and is 1394 B. B is backwards compatible with an 8 to 6 pin cable.