I'm glad you owned up, in fact since this subject started I've had an uncontrollable urge to go up to the town centre for one! I've not had one for months, possibly a year or more - trouble is, they tend not to open at lunchtime.

Second to which, the girls in the office were talking about maltloaf, something which I haven't had for years, but will be getting this weekend! More to the point, they were talking about picking the sultanas out and leaving the loaf for slimming purposes - weird and sacriligious.

Anyway, Indian buffet day today, a variety stretching all the way up one side of the restaurant - and all for £4.99 (Plus the Cobra to wash it down with).

And, on the way back I'll buy my kippers in the market for weekend breakfast. Manx kippers, they're not the red, but grey, but taste much better.

I'm just a slave to my tastebuds.
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag