don't do it. Buy a new one.

Too late. When I posted that message, I'd already swapped in the PSU fan from an old 486. I'm a tad nervous of my serious hack job on the power wires (hacked off the dead fan's connector and the replacement fan's incompatible connector, then stripped the wires, wound them around eachother, and electrical taped them).

So, that's why I want a new PSU fan. The PSU itself is fine. A little under powered at 300 W. I swear it was an overload-related split-second power failure that caused my hard drives *once* to power down and immediately back up, though the computer itself didn't flinch. Happened a fistfull of times on an old computer, but that's old news.

I wouldn't mind a more powerfull fan(s) too. The old 486 PSU fan is really churning out some hot air from that PSU. A big fast case fan would be nice too, hopefully cooling my 7200 rpm drive (which, since the DVDR is right on top, causes CDs to come out of the drive fairly warm even if they've been spun down for hours).

I've been told, "Eh, computer hardware is built to take the heat. You think a 7200 rpm drive is hot, but it can handle it." But I still wouldn't mind a decent intake, exhaust, and PSU fan.

So, quality replacement fans? Ball bearing? Sealed from dust? Will last years and years? And recommendations? I've been hoping to have this for a long long long time now.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set