One of my problems with the two latest Shyamalan films is that they seem to be written to a theme rather than progressing from a premise.
I'd say this is a pretty accurate statement. I really felt like Signs was a departure from the previous films and that The Village has followed suite. To me it seems more like a pair of movies rather than a trilogy.

Interesting thought: In Signs the assumption was that the religious belief in question was false and it turned out to be true. In The Village the (somewhat) religious beliefs were assumed to be true but turned out to be false. In fact, without Signs you might think that Shyamalan was making a statement in The Village that religion is a false code that when adhered to is beneficial to mankind, regardless of its untruth - certainly many in this day view religion this way. However in Signs that wasn't the conclusion at all. In both stories it seems that the important thing was to challenge the preconceptions of the characters.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.