When I was living in Taiwan, I had the pleasure of working one summer in an unfinished factory with no air cond (or windows or doors) and it's really hot and humid there. I always brought my laptop from home and went to work in an air con'd car, so when I'd get there, the laptop would be really cold. I found that it would behave strangely until the condensation would dry off, which would take about a half hour of sitting around.

That laptop died shortly after that summer, maybe from the condensation, or maybe from that time an ammonia etcher broke and filled the room with concentrated fumes... I ran like hell, but the laptop was in there for a few hours until the fumes cleared. It seems that the innerlayers of the circuit board developed sever open traces in the memory area, so I'm thinking all that water wicked it's way in there and went to town on the the traces.