Hi Mike,

Here are some observations from a new JEmplode user. Most of these things are
of the Minor Annoyance variety.

The Installer worked perfectly on a rh7.0 dist. with a 2.4.0-test9 kernel overloaded on that.
As mentioned elsewhere I did need to update jempeg-0.9.13.jar to jempeg-0.9.14.jar.
The software really dose the job. Way to go! Mike.

Re: the upload folder feature.
Yep. I stumbled on that feature while trying to select into the next level down. I wound up
loading a folder of source files into my empeg without realizing it. When the player restarted, it
was quite confused until it figured out the first file wasn't really an mp3. I think this points out
a problem with the player itself. The player is not checking filetypes (magic numbers)
before attempting to play a file. So it takes quite a while before figuring out its been
had. Do you know who this observation should be referred to?
This confusion over select folder/enter folder is something I have seen on old Macintosh
software. That problem was solved by adding another button. Besides [Open] there is also a
[Select this folder] button. Open descends into the folder and select chooses it. Either button is
grayed out as appropriate.

Default Folder:
I noticed that no matter what the current folder is when I invoke JEmplode, the file chooser
always defaults to the users home folder. I kind of expected it to use the current folder.

Configure player, Is this a TBD item?

[File][Open Player database...][Select Connection][Options]
The check boxes don't seem to hold their preferences, while the text box with my player's
IP dose.

