Java Emplode

Posted by: mschrag

Java Emplode - 25/10/2000 11:54

To all those who are interested in the Java version, I'm getting really close to a 1.0 release (you can grab the beta now). I have most of the features of Emplode in JEmpeg. So if your platform isn't supported by the Empeg guys yet, you may not be totally out of luck.

JEmpeg @ Sourceforge

Posted by: SuperQ

Re: Java Emplode - 10/11/2000 10:13

ok.. i'm trying out this java empeg program (.9.13)

#1: wow.. this is cool

#2: that installer is cool

#3: can you do an "add directory" feature? :)

12gig green mk2 -- 080000125
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Java Emplode - 10/11/2000 14:23

#1. Thanks

#2. Tell that to ZeroG -- I agree, though

#3 There actaully is an add directory with support for comparing ID3 song names + file sizes to existing ones in the playlist. If you select a directory name in the file selection dialog instead of a given song, it will recursively add the directory as a playlist.

Let me know if you run into any problems.


Posted by: bonzi

Re: Java Emplode - 02/12/2000 11:18

Little help, please:

I have JRE 1.1.7 installed on my RH 5.2, and I have downloaded JVM-less version of jemptool from sourceforge. When I start it, it complains

Unable to locate the application's 'main' class. The class 'com.zerog.ia.installer.Main' must be public and have a 'public static void main(String[])' method. (LAX)

both on stderr and in 'Fatal Application Error / Unable to Launch Java Application' entitled popup box. Now, I obviously know nothing about Java. Did I miss an installation step, perhaps setting up some environment variables, something of that kind? How does install.bin know where to find JRE?

Sorry for being too lazy to examine install.bin more thoroughly .


Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green
Posted by: schofiel

Re: Java Emplode - 03/12/2000 08:07

You probably need to set the JVM's CLASSPATH variable to point to both the directory you are in (.), and to the main class directory for whereever you installed the JVM itself. This will allow the application launcher in the JVM to first locate your application class files, then any supporting ones the application uses. However, I was pretty sure that the default path is used by the JVM if no CLASSPATH variable is found in it's startup environment, which points to the current directory. I would check the CLASSPATH setting you have - there is a good FAQ on the SUNSITE for JAVA installs.

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
Posted by: gbeer

Re: Java Emplode - 16/01/2001 21:32

Hi Mike,

Here are some observations from a new JEmplode user. Most of these things are
of the Minor Annoyance variety.

The Installer worked perfectly on a rh7.0 dist. with a 2.4.0-test9 kernel overloaded on that.
As mentioned elsewhere I did need to update jempeg-0.9.13.jar to jempeg-0.9.14.jar.
The software really dose the job. Way to go! Mike.

Re: the upload folder feature.
Yep. I stumbled on that feature while trying to select into the next level down. I wound up
loading a folder of source files into my empeg without realizing it. When the player restarted, it
was quite confused until it figured out the first file wasn't really an mp3. I think this points out
a problem with the player itself. The player is not checking filetypes (magic numbers)
before attempting to play a file. So it takes quite a while before figuring out its been
had. Do you know who this observation should be referred to?
This confusion over select folder/enter folder is something I have seen on old Macintosh
software. That problem was solved by adding another button. Besides [Open] there is also a
[Select this folder] button. Open descends into the folder and select chooses it. Either button is
grayed out as appropriate.

Default Folder:
I noticed that no matter what the current folder is when I invoke JEmplode, the file chooser
always defaults to the users home folder. I kind of expected it to use the current folder.

Configure player, Is this a TBD item?

[File][Open Player database...][Select Connection][Options]
The check boxes don't seem to hold their preferences, while the text box with my player's
IP dose.


Posted by: mschrag

Re: Java Emplode - 17/01/2001 06:53

Hey Glen -- Thanks for the info....

1) upload folder - I'll look into this. I am just using Java's standard JFileDialog class. I'll look into how easy/hard it is to change the UI on it. I always hated the problem with selecting a directory/opening a directory.

2) When you say "current folder" do you mean the folder you had open last session, or do you mean the folder you currently have open on your desktop?

3) Configure player - was just too lazy to implement it :)

4) I'll look into the checkboxes. It's also possible I was too lazy to persist those values (though I thought I wrote that).

Thanks a lot... Actually, it would help me if you log these in the bug system over at SourceForge so I don't forget about them too.


Posted by: gbeer

Re: Java Emplode - 17/01/2001 21:21

Item 2: current folder? I'm referring to the current directory of the shell from which I start JEmplode.

The one that will be listed when I type "ls" on the command line.

If issue the command "cd /home/gbeer/mp3" then "EMplode" followed by opening the file chooser, the folder shown will be /home/gbeer instead of the more common /home/gbeer/mp3.

Its one way of bypassing the need to constantly beat your way down through the file chooser.

Can Do. on the sourceforge request.


Posted by: mcomb

Re: Java Emplode - 18/01/2001 02:23

Hey Mike,

Just curious if we might get another version of jempeg sometime soon? I remember you teasing me a while back with folder synchronizations as a possible future feature.

Thanks, -Mike

Posted by: mschrag

Re: Java Emplode - 18/01/2001 07:42

It will be coming ... I think that 0.9.14 actually supports the following scenario:
1) add a directory
2) add new files to that dir
3) add the directory again
4) only the new files will be added to the playlist (comaprison based on name + size)

See if that works... Of course that random PSOH problem still floats around... not sure what to do about that one. I think it's a result of bad (non-existent) error handling at the protocol level.

Posted by: mcomb

Re: Java Emplode - 18/01/2001 10:05

Do steps 1 and 2 have to be done from jempeg? I tried to use it to update a directory of songs that had been uploaded by emplode and I ended up with duplicates of everything. -Mike

Posted by: mschrag

Re: Java Emplode - 18/01/2001 10:44

Good question. Not sure I know the answer :) I'll have to look...

Posted by: gbeer

Re: Java Emplode (found part of it) - 21/01/2001 18:05

mschrag wrote: 4) I'll look into the checkboxes. It's also possible I was too lazy to persist those values (though I thought I wrote that).

I think I discovered why checkboxes weren't being stored for me.

1) I had installed JEmplode down in rootspace. I am begenning to suspect that this is not what was intended.
2) In the file "JEmplode.lax" if I comment out the line "lax.user.dir=.", check boxes work properly. I think this line combined with #1 was preventing the .jempegrc from being created in a writable location.

-- Glenn

ps. I'll send this to sourceforge too.

Edited by gbeer on 22/01/01 01:11 AM.

Posted by: mschrag

Re: Java Emplode (found part of it) - 21/01/2001 21:07

My bad.. I was using working directory instead of home directory for saving the .jempegrc file... it'll be fixed in the new version (along with starting the file chooser off in working directory)