Most of us are VERY happy with the audio performance
Yes, definately. Me too.

but wishful for more memory (and therefore more software features) and perhaps a faster interface (100BaseT or USB2). This is all doable, with a daughterboard (with memory, CPU, and 100BaseT) that connects to the existing mainboard via the IDE header or an internal ethernet/USB cable...
Wouldn't the current speed of the IDE (and ISA) bus be a major limiting factor to this approach's success?

What are the cost limiting factors to building a new board? If most of the existing hardware and design are reused I was thinking it could be done without breaking the bank.

My biggest wants are also more CPU power, more memory, and faster drive access. A nice plus might be onboard digital out ala eutronix's design. For me 10BaseT is fast enough provided it operates at a good 10mbps - right now I don't see average network speeds higher than about 3mbps (due to IDE throughput I think).
