Here is a real original job...

I am the network administrator for my company, CDR Associates. Although I am IT, the company I work for is in the health care industry. We resolve credit balances for patient accounts betwen hospitals and health care companies.

I am responsible for anything and everything that is IT at the company. A year and 2 months ago, there was no IT department. We're growing some, which is nice. No need to go into further detail, I think everyone here knows what network administrators do.

Unfortunately, I don't have as much time to browse the BBS as I would like. The company I worked for before, Aether Systems, was going down the tubes. I was a support guy there. As time passed, I spent more and more time on the BBS simply because they kept laying people off, so we had less people to support.

We kept ourselves amused. There was a hole (about 3 inches in diameter) in the ceiling and we would throw things at it hoping to get something stuck up there. We stopped when someone's orange ended up there.
BleachLPB ------------- NewFace MK2a