Thank you for try to help.

It might just be complaining about the file. Make sure you CD \EMPEG\LOGOSTUFF before typing the download command.

This would be done

Also, are you using a recent version of download.exe, made from the latest sources which support the Mark2?

I take the download.exe from the MultiCOM Zip Archiv

Finally, check your com port settings. Are you using the correct com port? Is the port set to 115200, N/8/1, and No Flow Control?

I checked all the parameters befor, and again after your answer, but it doesn't work.
I try it all the times with my IBM Thinkpad 600 under Windows NT4. No chances after booting or connect with Hyperterminal.

Now I am going to another Desktop System under NT4, and it works bow fine. I am not realy sure what going wrong with the Thinkpad, connections with emplode works fine with it.

Let me know what it ends up being when you work this out, and I'll add that information to the FAQ.

maybe someone else have the same problem.

Thanks for your help.


Gelsenkirchen, Germany