Could this be a final no-sync bug release?

Wow, imagine that. Let's see... Empeg squashes the last synch bug and Daikatana goes gold in the same week? It's the seventh sign!

No sign of the volume bug either, but this has always been difficult to reproduce. I tried the steps defined by Tony in a seperate post. No sign yet. Tony, you tried this yet?

Well, even with those steps, I was only able to reproduce it very intermittently. And I never had it happen to me in "real life". No, I haven't seen it happen yet, but only time will tell whether the volume bug is gone with Beta-10.

Actually, I'm not going to be doing much with the Empeg for a few days other than letting it sit on my desk and play tunes. I just got a new car, and I'm waiting for Crutchfield to send me some wiring harnesses and installation master sheets. If anyone wants any info on installing Emma into a 2000 Honda Accord Special Edition, ask me about it in a week or so.

Also, my second disk drive is on its way, and I have several albums I want to upload when it gets installed. So I'll let everyone know if I get any synch bugs with Beta 10...

Tony Fabris
Empeg #144
Tony Fabris