Neat. They seem a lot more powerful than the Cypress PSoC chip I'm using.

Yes, Viola is using a Motorola Coldfire.
The fact they've got ethernet already working is a bonus

Should be - the chief technical guy wrote the TCP/IP stack
I actually got him to open source it.
Preset dim is actually obsolete. It's been replaced by the direct dim extended command. Nothing really apart from the DIN rail lamp modules understands direct dim or even preset dim however. The normal modules only support the basic command set so you're kind of stuck if you're using those.

Well, I do have a bunch of the DIN dimmers (only ones capable of riving halogens), but I also have a bunch of "stupid" Marmitek LW11's
You have to do the turn-on-and-dim-down-in-successive-commands trick.

And that just doesn't work in my application, where I need to be able to dim up the lights slowly from 0.