What about all these people in their SUVs and stuff?
As ranting season seems to have come early this year, what is it with people who don't think it's necessary to dip their headlights if it's "only" a cyclist coming the other way? More than once I've had to screech to a halt because I can't frickin' see -- cycle paths, say the one on the A603 west of Cambridge, often have much less margin for error than the main roadway.

Having said that, that's the same cycle path where, one dark and moonless night, I was belting along when a voice comes from the dark, "You can't see me, but I can see you. You go right, I'll go left". Fortunately I was a quicker thinker than he, and disobeyed him and went to his right, my left, to be rewarded by the sight of a completely lightless cyclist swishing past at a combined closing speed of maybe 30mph. Crack-smoking psycho [censored][censored]!
