That's funny. I had a dream that my car got jacked because I left it in a dark part of long term parking at an airport for a few days while on vacation. When I got back to the car, the windows were smashed, the faceplate-less Alpine deck was smashed up and the empeg sled was a bit ripped up. I was so panicked because my car was wrecked. Then, I realized that my empeg and Alpine faceplate were safely in my Pelican case with my luggage, right behind me. But I was still all pissed off because I thought I had my stuff stolen.

It wasn't until I woke up that I realized that I really hadn't had anything stolen; just my car got broken into. Well, that was a hell of a lot better than the more recent dream I had in which I left my wallet and rental car keys at an airport counter, assuming they were safe while I quick ran back to grab something from my rental car (and how I did that without the keys is beyond me). When I got back to the counter, my wallet was there with all cards and ID stripped, my passport was gone, and my rental car was gone. When I went back to the car, I found it was gone too. Ah, nothing like being stranded on the West Coast USA (since I'm east coast) with no ID, no cash, and no car. But, I distinctly remember that I had my Pelican case tightly pressed under my arm, so I wasn't THAT panicked.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set