developer timeout & DEAD EMPEG

Posted by: PaulWay@home

developer timeout & DEAD EMPEG - 16/10/1999 23:52

Why is the timeout for developers in beta 7b set to zero seconds?

Makes it hard to break in.



after uploading some songs and assigning a set of PINs to them, I can only access one song, over and over and over...
changing playlists or calling other PINs crashes the unit.

I have a text file of the serial output at the time.

Prior to this, the machine was operating flawlessly. I have successfully plugged in beta 7 b, it hasn't helped.
can I remove the playlist and music and get back to a 'out-of-the-box' player? I can get a shell prompt but my linux knowledge is limited.

help me. my car is too quiet.

Feed the Hungry. Save the Whales. Free the Mallocs.
Posted by: rob

Tech Support Reminder - 17/10/1999 10:34

Can I remind everyone that we don't provide technical support here. If you have a problem email (USA & Canada) or (Rest of the world) and you'll get a response from the experts very quickly.

If you prefer you can call the support phone numbers included with your player (the US number is 24/7 and the UK number is extended office hours).

If you find a bug then you can report that to
