Posted by: Verement

IrDA - 30/09/1999 17:35

I'd like to look into doing some things with IrDA on the empeg. Could anyone offer any technical direction for how to get started?


Posted by: altman

Re: IrDA - 01/10/1999 04:14

We've not done a lot of playing ourselves, but generally: get the IR utils package and at the very least compile up irattach: you will need a kernel with IrDA support (the PPP 2.2.12 kernel at will do nicely). The IrDA is /dev/ttyS2, so you need to do:

irattach /dev/ttyS2

You can then enable IrDA discovery by doing:

echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/irda/discovery

...and at this point if I wave my Palm V infront of the empeg the Palm decides something is trying to talk to it and if you cat /proc/net/irda/discovery (no sys!) then it tells me the name of my Palm.

I've not gone further than this yet as it proved the IrDA was doing stuff. The itutils archive has various IrOBEX stuff for talking to palms.


Posted by: raphael

Re: IrDA - 01/10/1999 08:05

Don't we need to kill your player first, since it reads /dev/ir?
I managed to change intercept (from the developer-site) so I can switch
debian-init-runlevels (with a "doubleclick" escape). I'll publish the sources
(hopefully soon) on

Raphael Wegmann
Posted by: altman

Re: IrDA - 01/10/1999 08:12

No, /dev/ir is consumer IR. irda is totally separate. You can get spurious IR from the irda on comsumer ir, but as the timings won't be valid they'll be thrown out by the /dev/ir device driver.


Posted by: Verement

Re: IrDA - 07/10/1999 07:16

Is the IrDA capable of 4Mbps or only 115Kbps?

Posted by: altman

Re: IrDA - 07/10/1999 11:44

It's SiR (115k2) not FIR (4M), sorry.


Posted by: cparisi

Re: IrDA - 16/11/1999 07:43

I want to start developing an IrDA interface for the Palm Pilot. I was looking at the IrDA techincal info and one of the steps in setting it up on the empeg was to run the command "irattach".
I downloaded the ppp/irda kernel and cannot find this command. Am I missing something?


Posted by: tadzio

Re: IrDA - 16/11/1999 12:50

If you're just trying to have the Palm Pilot control the Empeg (i.e., no mp3 download), then there is already such a program. Well, it wasn't specifically written for the empeg, it's just a program that turns the Palm Pilot into a "learning" IR remote. Just "teach" it using the Kenwood remote provided with the empeg, then create a layout on the Pilot for the keys and assign the IR commands to the keys. We tried that with a friend's Pilot, so I can confirm positively that it works. I forgot the name of the app, but if you're interested I can ask my friend. But you'll probably want more functionality in the Pilot, right? It still may be a good starting point...


Posted by: influx

Re: IrDA - 17/11/1999 01:40

I'm considering buying a palm just to be able to create a cool interface like this :)