Mobile internet via IR to Empeg?

Posted by: veixl

Mobile internet via IR to Empeg? - 30/12/2000 04:35

How can i use Internet with Empeg via my Siemens S35i IR modem? I would like to be able to check email and use text based browser like lynx, maybe WAP too. What software i have to install and how, is there any instructions anywhere? I'm not a programmer so i need quite specific instructions. Can anybody help me?


MK1 #317 - 20GB blue
Posted by: borislav

Re: Mobile internet via IR to Empeg? - 30/12/2000 06:20

How can i use Internet with Empeg via my Siemens S35i IR modem? I would like to be able to check email and use text based browser like lynx, maybe WAP too. What software i have to install and how, is there any instructions anywhere?

I don't think any of this has been implemented yet. All of it is possible, though, I'm sure it'll come.


Posted by: fvgestel

Re: Mobile internet via IR to Empeg? - 30/12/2000 06:24

look here for a similar question.

Frank van Gestel
Posted by: veixl

Re: Mobile internet via IR to Empeg? - 02/01/2001 05:04

In reply to:

irda & ir-tools as debian packages can be found at :

BTW I've got IR-comm to work with my 7110 :>
here's how :
- install irda & ir-tools packages.
- edit /etc/irda/drivers :
- set serial device to /dev/ttyS2
- set type to infrared
- start irmanager : irmanager -d 1
- install minicom ( or another terminal emulator )
- set minicom to /dev/ircomm0 19200 8 n 1
- and off you go...

Is that enough to get it work? How can i install the packages, guess i need developer image installed on empeg? For what is the empeg irda port used now?

Sry i'm quite new to linux .. i have written only some perl and php webscripts .. thats all programming experience i have. So i guess i need "for Dummyes" style of instructions.


MK1 #317 - 20GB blue
Posted by: fvgestel

Re: Mobile internet via IR to Empeg? - 02/01/2001 09:32

Yes, you sure need a developer's image to get access to a shell to issue commands.
The developer image only allows access to a shell-prompt; It doesn't contain any user-applications at all (except for the empeg player executable of course).
To have access to a comfortable unix-environment you should install a base debian distribution on your empeg. I don't know where I got it from, but I have copied my file to my webserver and you can find it here.
This is the basic debian potato distribution. After installing this you can download seperate packages from and start installing using the dpkg command.
A basic checklist for converting your empeg to a full-featured linux-machine :
1) connect your empeg through serial to your PC
2) install the 1.01 developer's image using emptool
3) start hyperterm and reboot your empeg; See the boot messages
4) After booting press 'q' a couple of time to get to a prompt
5) type the following commands to install the debian file

# rw
# rwm
# cd /drive0
# mkdir local
# mkdir local/root
# cd local/

Now use hyperterm's 'send file' option to copy the debian file to the empeg
I don't know if gzip is installed in the developer's image; if it isn't you should use winzip to extract the tar file from the .gz file and send the tar file

# ls -l

this should show the copied debian-file

-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 9651112 Jan 2 17:09 debian-image.990822.tar.gz

now unzip and unpack the tar file

# gzip -d *.gz # (if gzip is available)
# cd root
# tar xvf ../*.tar

This will install all files in the tar file under /drive0/local/root
To have access to installed files you should make processes believe their filesystem is restricted to the one installed under /drive0/local/root
To accomplish this, the chroot command is issued :

# chroot /drive0/local/root /bin/bash

As you see this is a precarious procedure, which I don't recommend to any novice linux-user. If you still think you are up to the job, I wish you good luck.
I could go on describing how to install a linux system, but there are enough resources available on the net on this subject. one last advice : before installing extra packages you should activate some swap-space...

Frank van Gestel
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Mobile internet via IR to Empeg? - 02/01/2001 21:55

Thanks for the excellent post. It's a good jumping off point for lots of good things. Now that I'm working on honing my Linux skills for an upcoming embedded project (inspired by all of you) I can do this at work and get paid at the same time. Now if anyone can make reading O'Reilly easier...


just say you weren't paying much attention...
Posted by: mardibloke

Re: Mobile internet via IR to Empeg? - 12/04/2001 01:36

> # chroot /drive0/local/root /bin/bash
I managed to follow Franks very clear instructions to get the Debian image onto my Empeg. Only problem is the very last command. I cannot find the chroot command anywhere on my Empeg.

- --
Rod, UK Mk2 64gig Red S/No.341
Posted by: fvgestel

Re: Mobile internet via IR to Empeg? - 12/04/2001 01:57

You're right, I made a symlink from /drive0/local/root/usr/sbin/chroot to /sbin/chroot

the command should be:

# /drive0/local/root/usr/sbin/chroot /drive0/local/root /bin/bash

another one to get a login prompt :

# /drive0/local/root/usr/sbin/chroot /drive0/local/root /bin/login

This would require a valid passwd file.

to startup in runlevel 2 :

# /drive0/local/root/usr/sbin/chroot /drive0/local/root /etc/init.d/rc 2

Frank van Gestel