Easy (I hope) Q on ordering Playlists

Posted by: bauble

Easy (I hope) Q on ordering Playlists - 21/12/2023 23:02

I thought there was a way to change the order of playlists in Emplode, but I don't remember it and I'm not finding it in a cursory search. (I'd like to have my playlists in alphabetical order)

Could someone take pity on a poor luddite and enlighten me as to how this is done?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Easy (I hope) Q on ordering Playlists - 22/12/2023 08:10

Here's the corresponding FAQ entry with some important details:

How do I make albums play in the correct order?
Posted by: bauble

Re: Easy (I hope) Q on ordering Playlists - 22/12/2023 14:50

Thank you!!

I would have sworn I'd read that FAQ multiple times, but I obviously missed that.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Easy (I hope) Q on ordering Playlists - 24/12/2023 16:12

Note that you can't drag-and-drop to reorder the root playlist. This is entirely my fault -- there's a hidden "Unattached Items" entry in the list, which needed special-case code to deal with, and I never got around to figuring it out properly, so we punted and just disabled reordering of the root playlist.