Drives never spinning down in 3.0 alpha 8

Posted by: Bagpuss

Drives never spinning down in 3.0 alpha 8 - 05/11/2004 21:42

Now that I've finally got my Empeg hard drive woes sorted out (Thanks to Stu for the cable), I went and installed 3.0 alpha 8.

Everything works fine (with the exception of the known bugs), but I am now finding that the hard drives never spin down. I am always left with the 'we were spun down, but then spun up again really soon, so we won't get caught with our pants down again' icon.

I've seen someone else mention this problem, but can't find any comments to indicate whether this is intentional, a known problem or just a problem with certain configs.

I'm running on an original Mk.2, with Hijack 413.

If anyone can shed some light on this, that would be great.


Posted by: mcomb

Re: Drives never spinning down in 3.0 alpha 8 - 05/11/2004 21:50

If anyone can shed some light on this, that would be great.

The v3 alphas use a lot more memory for whatever reason so there is less cache available and the drives are less likely to spin down. With v3, mine would rarely spin down until I had additional RAM installed, now they stay spun down most of the time as you would expect.
