No hard disk found (occasionally)

Posted by: willebear

No hard disk found (occasionally) - 08/01/2003 16:47

I occasionally get the "No hard disk found contact support" and before I can dry the tears from my eyes, it's working again. Usually after I restart my car.

It is a very cold winter, could this have anything to do with it? I'v already replaced the cable that connects the hard drives and one of the hard drives is new. Any ideas.

Posted by: David

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 08/01/2003 17:33

The dodgy crimp in the cable is affected by temperature (things exapnding and contracting). If you have a dry joint on the IDE header (fairly rare) then that is even more affected.

You also mentioned that it was very cold - most hard drives don't like being used in temperatures lower than -5degC.

Contact support for a replacement drive cable and give that a try.

Posted by: juenk

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 09/01/2003 00:46

> I occasionally get the "No hard disk found contact support" and before I can dry the tears from my eyes, it's working again. Usually after I restart my car.

> It is a very cold winter, could this have anything to do with it? I'v already replaced the cable that connects the hard drives and one of the hard drives is new. Any ideas.

I experience similar issues these cold weeks... When In-car, first boot results in the no-disk error. Using Hijack reboot option, it boots nicely afterwards (therefore probably no bad cable crimp effect).
I think it has to do with the cold (car battery drain just after initial car engine start) in combination with a dual HD-empeg (2 HDs have to spin up before succesfull boot). My spare single-HD unit never showed this behaviour.

Posted by: csf

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 09/01/2003 10:19

I had the same problem that became increasingly worse over time. A single drive wouldn't cause issues but a dual drive setup wouldn't work.

I got a new drive cable and everything has been great since (after I hot-glue-gunned the connecters to teh drives).
Posted by: lopan

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 09/01/2003 10:54

I get this error too, I thought it was just due to low power....
Posted by: bbowman

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 13/01/2003 12:41

I was getting this error for a while. I would pull it out, give it a slight shake, then put it back in and it would work. Simply restarting wouldn't do the job. After a couple weeks of this, the shake didn't fix it anymore so I took it inside and opened it up.

All I did was press on the IDE cables at the joints and it worked fine again and haven't had trouble with it for a couple weeks. I believe it does have to do with some constriction due to colder temperatures.
Posted by: bloch309

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 08/08/2003 15:18

It would be great if support e-mailed you, but it's been months and I have not heard a peep. I need another cable... Trying to find the thread I replied to before asking for one...
Posted by: tman

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 08/08/2003 16:07

? Did you email support or reply to a thread??
Posted by: bloch309

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 08/08/2003 20:58

Both. I had been distracted for quite a while... so I was never able to look back at the thread I replyed to about it. now I can't find the thread. I e-mailed: and

was there another address I should have tried?
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 08/08/2003 23:41

Rob Schofield took over from David around New Year, but the sonicblue address should have been valid. There were some problems in the process of Rob taking over support (covered in other threads), but he's now up and running.

Not sure if the sonicblue address is still operational (considering SB going under and parts sold off...) The current email address for support is

Posted by: bloch309

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 11/08/2003 08:22

OK, Thanks for the info. I have sent a e-mail requesting a new cable. Thank you for all of your help.
Posted by: bloch309

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 29/09/2003 09:36

still no word... and stil lwith out my empeg

Does any one know who else I can bug to get a cable?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: No hard disk found (occasionally) - 29/09/2003 10:24

Does any one know who else I can bug to get a cable?
Yourself. There are instructions here showing how to re-crimp the cable yourself.

Of course, that can only help if the problem is the cable. The problem could be the IDE header or any number of other things, all listed at the link above. Check them all to be sure.