An opportunity to get v1.14

Posted by: nanook

An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 13:16

Hi everyone,

I've been given the thumbs up to give out the lastest beta firmware v1.14 to those who are experiencing the pause issue or other instability issues.

If you are interested, please email me directly at The drawback is that you'll have to sign a non-disclosure agreement which prohibits you from posting freely (specifically with regards to anything you find on v1.14) on public forums but you will be given access to our 'private' beta forum and post there. Basically, you will have the same constraints as our current beta testers. But, on the good side, you will also be privy to other information.


Nong Vang
Rio Beta Program Coordinator
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 14:14

Oh think we should make this man Blue

Just wondering are you in the cult of the empeg ?
Posted by: nanook

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 14:47

My initiation into the empeg cult recently occurred when one of Rio's current beta testers, Paul Grzelak, kindly showed me the way with a purple screen empeg unit

Out of fear that I might neglect my Karma duties, I am holding off on truly venturing into the dark under belly of empeg until things quiet down a bit on this front. So far, I like the dancing people
Posted by: drakino

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 14:50

I think he is more referring to making you blue here on the boards, to be seen as an employee of, well, whatever name is on the front of the building now .

It's up to you if you want it. Though it might cost you a beta spot
Posted by: nanook

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 14:58

I was wondering what the 'blue' was referring to - thanks for clearing up.

I suppose I should be 'blue.'
Posted by: tonyc

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 15:02

I think he is more referring to making you blue here on the boards
Speaking of which, I was thinking... Should guys like mlord and mschrag be greenish-blue? Since they kinda sorta have contributed to or worked on on empeg-ish projects in official or unofficial capacities?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 16:14

Oh think we should make this man Blue
As I have never communicated with Nong in person, only by email and chat, I can't be absolutely certain about this. But I was once told that Nong's gender is female. Perhaps Nong can confirm or deny this...
Posted by: mschrag

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 16:33

Posted by: mschrag

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 16:34

I was under this impression as well ...
Posted by: foxtrot_xray

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 18:16

In reply to:

Speaking of which, I was thinking... Should guys like mlord and mschrag be greenish-blue? Since they kinda sorta have contributed to or worked on on empeg-ish projects in official or unofficial capacities?

I dunno if you *CAN*. Cyan was popular back in the C=64 days, but you rarely see that as a stard color option nowadays..

Posted by: tonyc

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 18:30

I dunno if you *CAN*. Cyan was popular back in the C=64 days, but you rarely see that as a stard color option nowadays..
I dunno about that. I think cyan gets a lot of play in color palettes. It was one of the 4 CGA colors, two of the 16 EGA colors, and is well represented in the ANSI color palette as well. Maybe BBSes don't offer it a lot, but it's always gotten a lot of opportunity to succeed in more restricted color palettes. But you can only fight natural selection so long, even if you're a lonely hue.

Maybe Tom should offer a CGA stylesheet for the BBS just to remind everyone how fortunate we are to have our pick of colors!
Posted by: nanook

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 27/10/2003 20:37

Confirmed: "He" is indeed a "She."
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 28/10/2003 01:49

But you can only fight natural selection so long, even if you're a lonely hue.

Yup. There's no fuchsia in it.
Posted by: Roger

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 28/10/2003 03:31

ANSI color palette

Just to clarify: I assume that you mean the colour palette defined with the ANSI terminal emulation escape sequences?

You had me puzzled for a minute there.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 28/10/2003 05:02

And "she" is now "blue"
Posted by: tonyc

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 28/10/2003 08:48

Just to clarify: I assume that you mean the colour palette defined with the ANSI terminal emulation escape sequences?
Uh, yeah. I'm not sure why shortening that to "ANSI color palette" is particularly misleading (especially in context), but that's what I meant.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 28/10/2003 10:10

Because ANSI also regulates many other standards, many having to do with colors. But, I agree, in context, it shouldn't have been a huge leap, other than ANSI terminal escape sequences, including the colors defined therein, have nothing to do with HTML. I was a little confused, for one, as to how someone made the leap from wanting to define nanook's color as blue-green to how that might work on an ANSI terminal.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: An opportunity to get v1.14 - 28/10/2003 11:18

Yup. There's no fuchsia in it.

/me attempts to breathe...

Still working on it...