
Posted by: wfaulk

Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 14:46

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 15:22

Personally, I really hate the fact that we get this nice four-day weekend and then have to spend the entire time visiting people I don't really like in a podunk town that doesn't even have a movie theater.
Posted by: SonicSnoop

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 15:28

If you like the holiday or not I hope you all have a great weekend! I personally am very thankful for this BBS you all have helped me out so much! Im off to the woods with my dad! Take care all!
Posted by: Waterman981

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 16:04

I had to vote for seeing friends/relatives and dreading it, however that is only for Thursday. The rest of the weekend will be spent at the sand dunes on my new toy!

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 16:27

I'm planning on going snowboarding on Thanksgiving day. The day after Thanksgiving, I'm playing a gig at a coffee house in North Seattle. Then working on audio recording projects during the weekend.
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 16:34

I chose the first one, but really my answer is more along the lines of "Seeing friends/relatives and meh, whatever- at least I get to sleep in."
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 17:12

I'm happy to spend the weekend with friends and family, but that's just tomorrow. I'll be spending most of the weekend playing the Wii
Posted by: Robotic

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 17:29

It will be good to see the family all in one place and the food will be excellent, too! I'm signed up for cooking tomorrow's breakfast, so that will be a lot of fun.
We've got a little pot-luck going at work today. I brought in a veggie platter with dip. I had the receptionist nearly convinced that the indians at Plymouth Rock taught the Pilgrims how to make Ranch Dressing.

Wishing all the empeg BBSers a happy holiday- even if you don't get to celebrate the US holidays.
Posted by: Redrum

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 17:56

It will be good to see the family all in one place and the food will be excellent, too! I'm signed up for cooking tomorrow's breakfast, so that will be a lot of fun.
We've got a little pot-luck going at work today. I brought in a veggie platter with dip. I had the receptionist nearly convinced that the indians at Plymouth Rock taught the Pilgrims how to make Ranch Dressing.

Wishing all the empeg BBSers a happy holiday- even if you don't get to celebrate the US holidays.

What kind of happy pills do you take and where can I get some?
Posted by: music

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 18:06

Turkey and boardgames and DVDs with the girlfriend.

Then a little jamming on the stratocaster.

Then looking at lots and lots of cars.

(OK, and perhaps some housecleaning, paperwork, and laundry....)

Not to mention the traditional post-Thanksgiving 5K run and a lot of rowing machine time to work off all that infernal pumpkin pie.
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 18:29

Well, never mind the fact that it's a month after Thanksgiving...

I'm heading to the Grand Canyon with SWMBO, so my answer is none of the above.
Posted by: rob

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 21:18

I'm throwing a Thanksgiving dinner for some of your poor ex-pats, deprived of a holiday tomorrow! Now to work out what the heck to do with these sweet potato things..

Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 21:20

Now to work out what the heck to do with these sweet potato things..

Flush them uneaten down the toilet. Best thing for sweet potatoes.
Posted by: AndrewT

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 21:28

Now to work out what the heck to do with these sweet potato things..

SWMBO likes them sliced 8-10mm thick, coated in olive oil, lightly seasoned and either baked or barbecued. If you find something more imaginative (not hard, I'm sure) then please share!
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 22:08

I'm throwing a Thanksgiving dinner for some of your poor ex-pats, deprived of a holiday tomorrow!

Okay, now that is utterly cool.
Posted by: Taym

Re: Thanksgiving - 22/11/2006 22:34

I'll be working tomorrow, but in the weekend, not because of Thanksgiving (which is not a holiday here), I'll be in Frankfurt with my gf. Just a nice weekend for our anniversary.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: gbeer

Re: Thanksgiving - 23/11/2006 00:23

Relatives and dreading because they have already been here 3 days. You know what was said about that.

I can't believe they decided to tromp off to San Fransisco today. The traffic back to the Central Valley is going to be atrocious.
Posted by: spider

Re: Thanksgiving - 23/11/2006 00:56

in Canada, wishing I was in America blackfridaying it up like a true consumer whore.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Thanksgiving - 23/11/2006 03:03

Well, the traditional thing would be a sweet potato pie.
Posted by: loren

Re: Thanksgiving - 23/11/2006 03:24

Send them to me, I LOVE sweet potatoes.... or Yams as i've always called 'em. I look forward to that dish more than any other. In fact, I'm sitting at a dining room table while Kelly is throwing together the Yams smothered in marshmallows right now!
Posted by: eliceo

Re: Thanksgiving - 23/11/2006 17:15

my favorite holiday
Posted by: rob

Re: Thanksgiving - 24/11/2006 12:39

So I cut them into chunks, drizzled olive oil over, and roasted them with red onions and oregano. They were really nice, almost as good as parsnips!

The Thanksgiving away from home dinner was a success, now I almost feel like I can't be bothered with Christmas :-)

Posted by: Cybjorg

Re: Thanksgiving - 26/11/2006 16:41

My family tried to have as close as an "American" Thanksgiving as one can have in the Middle East. We have a split weekend (Fridays and Sundays...the Muslim and Christian holy days), so no 4-day weekend for us. In fact, we had our feast on Friday, simply because it was a day off.
Posted by: Neutrino

Re: Thanksgiving - 27/11/2006 17:49

I celebrated on Wednesday. As for things to do with sweet potatoes, you should try making sweet potatoe french fries, yum!
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Thanksgiving - 27/11/2006 18:45

Almost anything fried is good (tasting). Try celery root cut into thin slices and deep fried. I hate the taste of celery, but celery root "chips" are damn good.

And if you're going to roast sweet potato with olive oil, leave off the oregano and use basil instead. Mmmm. And/or add a crushed mix of different peppercorns and garlic. VERY good.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Thanksgiving - 27/11/2006 22:10

sweet potatoe french fries

Yes, indeed. Sweet potato fries are excellent, if done properly. And they're better for you than regular fries. Not much, mind you, as they're still fried.