Christmas in the southern hemisphere

Posted by: wfaulk

Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 20/12/2005 15:40

For those of us in the northern hemisphere (or at least the US), Christmas imagery is almost synonymous with winter imagery. Snow, evergreen trees, holly with red berries, even Santa in a fur-lined suit, even in the South, where we're terribly unlikely to see anything in real life that will ever fit that description.

Obviously for those of you in the southern hemisphere where Christianity is as prevalent as it is in North America and Europe, what is Christmas imagery like? I mean, it's summer down there. All the winter imagery would seem out of place to me.

The reason I ask in particular is that I recently got a Christmastime catalog in the mail from a company that sells ostensibly Kiwi-made merchandise and it had a picture on the cover that seemed to imply that it was a New Zealand sheep farm, but there was snow on the ground and a Christmas wreath hanging on the split-rail fence. So it was either not New Zealand or it was not Christmastime.
Posted by: peter

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 20/12/2005 16:22

So it was either not New Zealand or it was not Christmastime.

Or someone had decided to set up a sheep-farm on one of the permanent glaciers on South Island...

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 20/12/2005 18:30

Well, it was snowy and tree-y, so that probably wasn't the case either.

Also, do they build split-rail fences on glaciers?
Posted by: mlord

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 20/12/2005 20:03

New Zealand, December 2001:
Posted by: mlord

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 20/12/2005 20:06

Australia, December 2004:
Posted by: furtive

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 21/12/2005 13:21

Raffles, Singapore.
Christmas Day 2004

Manly Beach, Sydney.
New Years Day 2006
Posted by: Redrum

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 21/12/2005 13:39


Manly Beach, Sydney.
New Years Day 2006

Hey, you have that camera from that Twilight Zone episode.
Posted by: ManDownUnder

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 21/12/2005 19:28

Well, it was snowy and tree-y, so that probably wasn't the case either.

Also, do they build split-rail fences on glaciers?

Yeah well - by Christmas day we're one month into Summer at lattitudes which would never support snow during summer.

Me thinks those marketing types might be "customising" things to appease expectations (aka lying through their teeth).
Posted by: ManDownUnder

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 21/12/2005 20:07

Obviously for those of you in the southern hemisphere where Christianity is as prevalent as it is in North America and Europe, what is Christmas imagery like? I mean, it's summer down there. All the winter imagery would seem out of place to me.

Sorry - I should have at least answered your question.

Imagery is typically snow, elves, Reindeer Santa and the sleigh. White paint may be used to simluate frost on the windws - that sort of thing.

It's accepted as Christmas imagery rather than Winter imagery if that makes sense... and because it's Christmas, that Christmas imagery doesn't look out of place (except the critical observer will point out that snow has now place in NZ during Summer..)
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 21/12/2005 20:32

Cool! Exactly what I wanted to know. So it sounds just like the northern hemisphere except that it doesn't match what's outside. Gotta feel for those fake Santas in "fur" in summer, though.
Posted by: ManDownUnder

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 21/12/2005 21:50

Gotta feel for those fake Santas in "fur" in summer, though.

Yup - Great for weight loss (till they replenish the lost water)...
Posted by: TigerJimmy

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 22/12/2005 01:41

This strikes me as really, super funny. "Christmas" was placed on 12/25 because the "pagan" peoples of Europe already celebrated the solstice around that time. Of course, the solstice was a HUGE deal for people because they were so much at the whim of weather.

As I'm sure everyone on this BBS knows, we have "Christmas lights" and "Christmas trees" because the lighting of things is a celebration of the light returning (days getting longer post-solstice), and the beginning of the end of the freezing, starvation and darkness -- at least for a year.

What strikes me as absurdly funny about this is that on the other side of the world, the days are getting shorter, but its still being "celebrated" and being celebrated with lights! That's just too funny to me.

Talk about people forgetting about a symbol's referent! (not that anyone in the Northern Hempisphere ever thinks about it either)

Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 22/12/2005 03:00

Hey, you have that camera from that Twilight Zone episode.

Ok, only slightly related to topic... but, you know how Christmas and New Years fall on the same day of the week? Well, in at least two years in the 1970s they did not fall on the same weekday.

Can you explain the circumstances of this?

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 22/12/2005 03:04

They never fall on the same weekday in the same year, if that's what you're getting at.
Posted by: ninti

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 22/12/2005 05:23

What, did they fall on the weekend?
Posted by: Roger

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 22/12/2005 11:05

Attempting to clarify the question:

Christmas Day is 25th December. The immediately-following New Year's Day (1st January of the following year) is always exactly a week later. Thus, in a given holiday season (24th Dec to 2nd Jan, for example), they fall on the same day of the week.

You are asserting that, at least twice in the period 1970 to 1980, this didn't happen.

Have I understood the question correctly?
Posted by: peter

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 22/12/2005 11:58

Attempting to clarify the question

But the whole point is the unclearness of the question, which is very carefully-worded. Bitt got the answer, which is good because I wouldn't've otherwise!

Posted by: Roger

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 22/12/2005 14:18

Bitt got the answer, which is good because I wouldn't've otherwise!

It's a fair cop, guv. If not actually an interesting answer
Posted by: gbeer

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 22/12/2005 22:54

I vote that the airplane takes off.
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 22/12/2005 23:19

I vote that the airplane takes off.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Christmas in the southern hemisphere - 22/12/2005 23:31

I vote that the airplane takes off.

Well time actually approaches infinity on Dec 31st before the clock strikes midnight, so...