Matisyahu (moved from General - brain cramp)

Posted by: Ezekiel

Matisyahu (moved from General - brain cramp) - 12/05/2005 01:15

Has anybody heard this guys music? Hasidic Reggae. Really.

Anybody care to commment? I'm trying to decide if I should order a of his most recent release. I've only read about him and seen a quick clip on the news a few weeks ago.


Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: Matisyahu (moved from General - brain cramp) - 12/05/2005 02:01 lets you preview tracks on his albums...
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Matisyahu (moved from General - brain cramp) - 12/05/2005 11:21

Aaah, did not know that...(listening now)... well I think I can pass on that, I thought it was a bit more hip hop that it actually is. Not that it's bad, it's just pretty much straight up reggae (I prefer more dancehall or rude boy sound). Thanks.
