AVG anti-virus updates?

Posted by: davec

AVG anti-virus updates? - 01/04/2004 08:04

Anyone using AVG anti-virus free edition been able to get an update on the virus database lately? I can't connect to the server to get updates...
Posted by: Geoff

Re: AVG anti-virus updates? - 01/04/2004 08:33

I was just talking to someone at work about this yesterday because I've been having the same problem myself, but haven't booted into Windows to fix it yet!

Anyway, I think the problem is answered here and here

Hope this helps, let me know if it works, because I'll be trying the same fix just as soon as I can drag myself away from Linux for a couple of minutes (or until I need my next fix of FarCry!!)
Posted by: davec

Re: AVG anti-virus updates? - 01/04/2004 09:38

Thanks for the links, it'll be late tonight before I get home to try it.
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: AVG anti-virus updates? - 01/04/2004 13:04

I haven't updated mine for AGES and couldn't get it to work even with the new URLs in the url.ini file, but I have found this to work:

Go to:

Take note of your version number (Information tab in Control Center), choose the .bin file name you require and then download it by FTP from:


Save it to the "update" folder and then load AVG - it will open a window and automatically process the update file.

Posted by: davec

Re: AVG anti-virus updates? - 01/04/2004 15:38

I tired those this AM and it never connected to get past the waiting to DL file stage for me... Seems really flaky I wonder if the pay versions are having the same problems...

While I like the fact they are willing to make available a free version to help combat viruses from spreading, this inability to update definitions ain't helping things...
Posted by: davec

Re: AVG anti-virus updates? - 01/04/2004 22:54

Works like a charm with this in the url.ini:


Actual URL=3
Posted by: Dignan

Re: AVG anti-virus updates? - 01/04/2004 23:25

What was the last update? Because if it was 3/31 then it works fine for me. If not I'll try the work-around.
Posted by: davec

Re: AVG anti-virus updates? - 02/04/2004 06:38

Yes, 3/31/04 is the most current.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: AVG anti-virus updates? - 02/04/2004 09:59

I've tried all three servers in that list in URL.INI and I get an error with all three. It downloads 343 bytes worth of the control file, then displays an error message. The error message is different each time.
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: AVG anti-virus updates? - 02/04/2004 13:13

I've tried all three servers in that list in URL.INI and I get an error with all three. It downloads 343 bytes worth of the control file, then displays an error message. The error message is different each time.

Same here - try my suggestion up there ^^^

Posted by: tfabris

Re: AVG anti-virus updates? - 02/04/2004 13:29

Thanks, Gareth. I know that installing the update file by hand will work, of course, and I'll certainly resort to that as a last-ditch measure. However, I also am supporting my wife's computer and I want her automatic updates to work without my intervention, so I'm keen on a long-term solution.