Inexpensive synth/keyboard recommendations

Posted by: rob

Inexpensive synth/keyboard recommendations - 12/01/2004 20:23

I'd like to buy a keyboard, partly for input, partly to learn some keyboard skills, and partly to make interesting sounds with (although that's the lesser requirement). It must have full size keys, velocity and a reasonable touch - but not necessarily a full set of octaves.

I'm considering getting a Korg M1. I know it's a vintage item, but it seems to get a lot of enthusiastic support and they are quite cheap on eBay (around £250 ish).

Any advice?

Posted by: webroach

Re: Inexpensive synth/keyboard recommendations - 12/01/2004 23:58

If you're just learning, the M1 would be a decent choice. You might also want to consider an E-MU Emax II. You can usually find one on Ebay for about $200US, or even on for a bit less (depending on the current conversion rate). You may even want to look at the Ensoniq ASR-10, also on

The added benefit with the Emax II or ASR-10 is that you can have all the Korg M1 sounds in a jiff, as both have full sampling capability.

ASR-10 is a bit more expensive, but it's a much more modern unit. However, for nostalgia's sake, the Emax II was used on TONS of music from the early 90's on.
Posted by: webroach

Re: Inexpensive synth/keyboard recommendations - 13/01/2004 00:00

Or you could just get Reason and any old controller keyboard. As long as you have MIDI, Reason can (in my amateur 'click-pop-bang-damnit-that-isnt-music' opinion) beat most dedicated synth/sampler systems hands down.

Much less expensive, too!