XP Networking issues...

Posted by: lopan

XP Networking issues... - 04/01/2004 08:18

Ok, I have a wireless USB dongle that I use to connect to the internet and other PC's at my home. I also have a 3com pci network card in my PC. That usually stays disabled, I've set the card with static IP information so I can use it to connect to my empeg. Every time I enable the card XP thinks I want to use that to connect to the internet and blows my internet connection. I've tried everything, even reconfiguring the USB dongle after enabling the card, but still nothing. Any ideas?
Posted by: Roger

Re: XP Networking issues... - 04/01/2004 08:26

Go to "Control Panel / Network Connections / Advanced / Advanced Settings / Adapters and Bindings".

In there you'll find some stuff for controlling the order in which Windows uses network adapters. Try seeing what happens when you enable/disable the various cards and see if pushing a particular connection higher up the list makes it work properly.
Posted by: image

Re: XP Networking issues... - 04/01/2004 09:52

also, make sure that on the wireless interface configuration, you don't set the default route anywhere.

if you goto dos prompt and type "route print", should goto your internet gateway ip, and using your internet interface.
Posted by: lopan

Re: XP Networking issues... - 05/01/2004 07:17

Go to "Control Panel / Network Connections / Advanced / Advanced Settings / Adapters and Bindings".

Went there, all that looked good, tried moving stuff around, still no go.
Posted by: lopan

Re: XP Networking issues... - 05/01/2004 07:18

I'll check that tonight when I get home from work.