Sound problems in my new Empeg

Posted by: MisterBeefhead

Sound problems in my new Empeg - 15/01/2002 18:14

Hi all, I haven't been able to find an answer to this by searching around, hopefully someone here can help...

Every time I power up my Empeg in the car, the sound is really flat and odd-sounding. When I go into the EQ, any adjustment makes the sound pop back to normal. Is this a known bug?

I am running v2.00-beta7 and the Hijak kernel V117. I am adjusting the front and rear speakers seperately so as to run a sub off of the rear channels. It actually sounds like the front speakers might be using the rear equalizer settings for some reason. Anyone?
Posted by: Alan

Re: Sound problems in my new Empeg - 15/01/2002 18:26

I really dislike the changes made to the equalizer. The only reason I run 1.03 on the unit in the car is for the equalizer.
Posted by: Diznario

Re: Sound problems in my new Empeg - 15/01/2002 18:27

I have no idea what causes this, but I had this happen to me once, and it was also when I was running with separate front / back EQ settings. It only happened once though, so I never posted anything about it. I just chalked it up to a stray gamma ray or something.

It was exactly the same as what you describe. I booted it up, and it sounded completely and utterly wierd. And as soon as I made the first adjustment on the eq, Bam! It just snapped right back to normality. Very odd.

Mine was a while ago, I think it was with 2.0b3...? Can't remember...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Sound problems in my new Empeg - 16/01/2002 00:49

You aren't the first person to report this.

Just for the heck of it, see if you can make the problem go away by setting it to 10-band mode (without the F/R separates), and see if you can make it come back by going back to the 5-band (F/R/L/R) mode.

If you can reliably reproduce this, I will put it on the official bug list.
Posted by: muzza

Re: Sound problems in my new Empeg - 16/01/2002 14:38

Do you put the empeg in, let it boot a little, then start the car? Does the low power indicator come on? If so it's a known bug.
You might also be able to reproduce it by putting the player to sleep in the car and then waking it up. I beleive this is known too.
Posted by: MisterBeefhead

Re: Sound problems in my new Empeg - 16/01/2002 18:27

I did switch to 10 - band mode and it seemed to work fine. I switched back and started getting the problem again. It doesn't happen every single time, I would say about 75% of the time. I have gone back to v1.03 in the hopes it would solve the problem. So far, everything is cool.

As far as letting it boot before I start the car, I have not done that. I would think that starting the car would just reboot it again?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Sound problems in my new Empeg - 16/01/2002 19:34

Okay, I'll put that in the bug list.
Posted by: JonnyGee

Re: Sound problems in my new Empeg - 30/01/2002 07:11


I made most of the recent changes to the EQ - the general idea was to make it easier to use... can you be a bit more specific about which aspects you don't like, and I'll have a look at dealing with them (no promises).

The use of sub-menus and "big friendly bars" are pretty much in stone now, but I'm happy to make tweaks if it will improve the user experience. I've also made room in the UI for a seriously hoopy new feature that will be added when we get time

Oh, and I'm looking at the bug too.

Cheers, John Graley
Posted by: muzza

Re: Sound problems in my new Empeg - 30/01/2002 14:48

Right. I get this all the time in the car. When I have the player running and start the car it goes into low voltage. when it comes out the top end is severely reduced. This also happens (for me) when it comes out of stand-by. It does not happen in AC power, but that's a longer story how I know this.

My setup in car is 5 channel EQ and 10 channel on AC.
hope this helps

I originally posted this bug in v2b3 and has bug#1182. I haven't seen it fixed in v2b7.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Sound problems in my new Empeg - 30/01/2002 22:34

Cool, another empeg guy to put in our list of "which empeg guys post here".

By the way, I don't know if I said this already or not, but I think the new EQ user interface is great.
Posted by: muzza

Re: Sound problems in my new Empeg - 31/01/2002 13:30

I think the only way you can improve on it is have a display of the frequency curve, but I won't cross post that wish here.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Sound problems in my new Empeg - 31/01/2002 14:02

just let me say thanks for changing the EQ I never used it before because it was too complicated