can't shuffle

Posted by: crewe

can't shuffle - 29/06/2001 13:07

How do I get the empeg to switch into 'shuffle' mode? I selected shuffle, then it changed from 'off' to 'on' - but it kept playing the playlist in order. I tried powering off and restarting, and shuffle 'on' was still selected, but no shuffle. It has worked before, but I remember it seemed a bit temperamental.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: can't shuffle - 29/06/2001 14:51

You should be able to toggle the shuffle mode from both the front panel (main menu) and the remote control (the "0" button).

Remember a couple things:

1) The main-menu indication shows what the shuffle is currently set to. When you select it, you're doing the opposite of what it says. Yes, this is confusing. It will be different in version 1.1 (where there's going to be several shuffle modes and it's clear what you're selecting).

2) When you shuffle/unshuffle, it's doing it "around" the current track. So if you're in the middle of a song, that song won't change, it's the next song (and all the songs after it) that changes.

3) The "0" button on the remote control is the easiest way to toggle shuffle, and it gives a visual feedback. Try that and see if it does what you expect.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: crewe

Re: can't shuffle - 29/06/2001 15:08

Thanks Tony. I understood that the on/off display is current - I've tried both and no joy. Also, yes, I understand that the shuffle will begin after the current song has done. I think perhaps what I've been doing is skipping forward to the next song before the current song has finished (to check if shuffle has worked), and perhaps this is keeping the playlist in order. Maybe I should just let it finish the current song and _then_ the shuffle kicks in? Worth a go.... I haven't used the remote yet at all.

Posted by: rob

Re: can't shuffle - 29/06/2001 15:21

No, it shuffles immediately. 1.1 pops up a transient box that announces the fact, but I don't remember if 1.0 does this.

I'm certain that shuffle isn't broken in 1.0 - but it is possible that you have marked the current playlist to never shuffle using emplode.


Posted by: crewe

Re: can't shuffle - 29/06/2001 15:34

Where can I get 1.1?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: can't shuffle - 29/06/2001 15:35

but it is possible that you have marked the current playlist to never shuffle using emplode.

I thought about that, then checked Emplode. There's a check box for "always shuffle", but there's not a "never shuffle" option.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: tfabris

Re: can't shuffle - 29/06/2001 15:38

You could try begging and pleading with Rob, but it probably won't work. 1.1 is still in private alpha testing.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: teemcbee

Re: can't shuffle - 29/06/2001 15:39

You'll have to wait like we all have to..

Got my Mk2! # 080000143
Posted by: teemcbee

Re: can't shuffle - 29/06/2001 15:42

BTW - what's about VR? Is it also in alpha-testing?
Tony! Tell it!
*tee holds a magnum against toni's face*
To declare something..Magnum is a really good creamy ice in Europe

Got my Mk2! # 080000143