Re: FM Modulator

Posted by: nwcr

Re: FM Modulator - 06/08/1999 08:41

signal, see the problem? I know it's a whole lot easier to plug the empeg into a transmitter, but, if you're paying over a grand for the thing, I think it's *definitely* worth it to get a nice install. In terms of the portablity, are

When you want to use it in vehicles that aren't yours its *definitely* not worth it

you really going to want to carry around a 5 pound box on a little handle with headphones?? For comparison, Sony's *big* car discman, the D-M805, weighs 8.75 oz (about half a pound, or just about 1/4 kg I think), without batteries, which is what you're going to have to do with the empeg. Just get a Rio! Maybe I completely misunderstood your definition of portable, but, umm, this beast was meant to be mounted in a car, and fed by a car, not carried around like a discman.

No one said anything about putting head phones on it and using it like a disc man. No reason why this $1k+ computer shouldn't be used in every car you drive even if you can't modify the steree.

Umm, I'm reading your post again, and it seems as though you're asking for an antenna, not a transmitter. I thought you wanted to broadcast sound to your car stereo, not pick up FM broadcasts to the empeg. I'm not really going to touch that one...this component ain't a discman, and it is the biggest big daddy to the Rio that I've ever seen. Just think about the case you'd have to deal with, etc, etc, etc. Using it as part of your home stereo is one thing, but lugging this around??

No... You were right the first time I do want to to broadcast sound to mycar stereo.

So since you think use a FM modulator is a bad idea what solution can you provide that involves a tempory hookup and does not require any modifications to the current stereo??

Keith Kemp