Empeg 1.01 release notes

Posted by: Dredd

Empeg 1.01 release notes - 05/10/2000 07:51


o Empeg download release notes are NOT cumulative, and
o 1.01rc2 is no longer available for download

It would definitely be wise for the 1.01 download to be revised to include "changes since 1.00" instead of "changes since 1.01rc2", otherwise all the 1.00->1.01rc2 changes vanish into the ether...


Posted by: schofiel

Re: Empeg 1.01 release notes - 05/10/2000 08:36

Good comment. Mike, on the old web site you used to post the sequence of release notes on a seperate page in order of release, giving the "cumulative" content. Are you going to do the same for all release notes to date on the new site in the support area?

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
Posted by: EngelenH

Re: Empeg 1.01 release notes - 05/10/2000 08:42

I think Windows 2000 hates my Empeg. I just can't get an upgrade file loaded to the empeg using Win2K. No biggie since I have Linux to which does the job extremely well but it's like that itch you can't scratch.


Mk2 - Blue - 080000431
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Empeg 1.01 release notes - 05/10/2000 16:21

1.01rc2 is no longer available for download

I just checked this, and RC2 (including its release notes) is up there on the main web site where it's always been- in the "beta software" section.

Still, I like the idea of a cumulative release notes page anyway.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: Dredd

Re: Empeg 1.01 release notes - 05/10/2000 16:32

I noticed that afterwards, but the reality is that (I suspect) the older betas and RC's are not going to be available forever, leaving those feature adds in a state of limbo.

I think the best bet would be for the the ChangeLog to become cumulative, or to include a "History" file which was a cumulative changelog.

My $0.02 worth.


Posted by: Smoker_Man

Re: Empeg 1.01 release notes - 07/10/2000 11:14

I think Windows 2000 hates my Empeg

Join the club!! My win2k box hasnt been the same since I have installed Emplode, and quite truthfully, it has botched up my IP stack, not even a re-install of SP1 fixed it! Not to mention is has left my serial ports on some weird floating state, where none of them work, but down at the hardware level without the OS they are fine... AHRRG!!
So, next in line was a good ole NTsp6 machine, and it has worked wonderfully.
Now I just gotta get some more drivespace (anybody have a 25+Gb drive I can borrow for a day or two?) to put into my NT4 box, copy over my mp3's and reload the win2k box, copy everything back, and reload my NT box.
Just because I have nothing better to do, and I feel like it!

36Gb - Blue (and needing repairs)

Posted by: rob

Re: Empeg 1.01 release notes - 07/10/2000 13:26

Emplode works fine on 2000 for us. Three of the developers run it, along with some of the sales/support machines.

I don't see how emplode could screw the IP stack, or the serial devices. Have you contacted bugs@empeg.com about this?


Posted by: EngelenH

Re: Empeg 1.01 release notes - 07/10/2000 17:01

Not really, perhaps I didn't mention it but my Windows 2000 is not what you would call a clean install. Need I say more ? So I am not entirely convinced it is all emplode's fault.


Mk2 - Blue - 080000431