#empeg IRC channel and email bot offered

Posted by: time

#empeg IRC channel and email bot offered - 06/11/2003 17:24

If you're looking for a venue for instant query/response and empeg conversation, a fellow empeger has set up an IRC server to support an #empeg channel. The beautiful part of this channel is the full time 'bot that resides there called Phoo.

irc.theforrest.org port 6667
/join #empeg

Phoo also is available via email to phoo@theforrest.org with your commands in the subject line. An email will be returned with the response to your query.

Phoo is full of all kinds of handy information. For instance you can have it search the BBS and present you with links to the search results. Commands include:
In reply to:

search: usage: search [google|bbs] for search terms
define: usage: define word
geocache: usage: lookup waypoint
time: usage: time
airport: usage: airport code
misc: usage: misc
apod: usage: apod
help: usage: help
slashdot: usage: slashdot
nonsequitur: usage: nonsequitur
excuse: usage: excuse
yow: usage: yow
seen: usage: seen nick?
stats: usage: stats
nick: usage: nick nickname
For help on a specific command: help <command>

Hop on and say howdy. Clearly there had been some prior interest so for those who haven't tried or are looking for a venue for a convenient place to congregate (other than here)--do check it out.

Posted by: rjf

Re: #empeg IRC channel and email bot offered - 06/11/2003 18:53

Some stuff about this (from the author of phoo and operator of irc.theforrest.org).

Phoo is not a chat bot, so don't expect much conversation from it. You need to address it to get it's attention. When talking on a channel, addressing him means the first word in the line is "phoo". When you engage in a private conversation with him (assuming your UI supports it), you will not address him by name, just give him commands.

Regarding the BBS, he only knows how to search it and return links, like so:

phoo: search bbs for <some terms>

You can specifiy how many results you want returned (default is 10) like so:

phoo: search bbs for <some terms> {max=5}

the curlys are literal (required).

Same for google:

phoo: search google for Mark Lord {max=5}

google will only ever show 10 at most -- limit of the google api I am using.

Pretty much any command you can do in IRC, you can do via email. Just don't address him by name (it's implicit), i.e. an email to phoo@theforrest.org with the subject:

search bbs for Mark Lord {max=50}

The slashdot command takes the max param too:

slashdot {max=5}

If you're going to do lots of playing with phoo, please start a private convo (or use email) with him so you don't spam the #empeg channel :-)

Questions are welcome. I am readying the code for a soureforge release. It is written in java and has a plugin API.

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: #empeg IRC channel and email bot offered - 06/11/2003 19:19

I'm really having fun on here... ran into 4 of you so far. I hope more log in.
Posted by: image

Re: #empeg IRC channel and email bot offered - 06/11/2003 20:31

just dont understand why we cant congregate on efnet =).
Posted by: ricin

Re: #empeg IRC channel and email bot offered - 06/11/2003 22:08

Yeah, I tried that before and only a few people showed up. :/
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: #empeg IRC channel and email bot offered - 09/11/2003 12:53

Just a kind bump.
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: #empeg IRC channel and email bot offered - 19/11/2003 23:16

EFnet is a wild, shifting, violient landscape. My time there was always marred by server splits, channel takeovers, and piles of other lameness.

Recently, I've been chatting in a "community" on a "family safe IRC network." The rules are tight and the moderator bots kick for swears and any sign of childish egotistical abuse. BUT, it's a fun clean place to hang out. (no wonder I haven't been on this board in a while, stupid chat's taking up all my time).

I'll check out #empeg. I'm always up for a good chat! Thanks for the info.