where in the queue are we ?

Posted by: anti

where in the queue are we ? - 10/07/2000 05:58

I registered almost two years ago ... (can that be true ... ?!)
And I somehow lost track a bit.

I have regno: "950",
but can't find where they are in the queue now ...

Who has the highest "asked to order" number ?!

If I get my MK2 before the end of August I'll do a "wild"-entry for Evoke ... otherwise it will be TP0xa

Posted by: teemcbee

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 10/07/2000 06:12

Hey! I'm 948!

I think you don't have to be too concerned.
The next patch will be about 950 units.
There were about 300 Mk1 sold. if you calculate that about 60% (=160 persons) get the upgrade offer, there are still 820 units left. So the percentage of registered user who really want to buy a Mk2 and defered their purchase (these are the next coming up after the existing clients) has to be very high that you won't get a Mk2 with the next patch coming.


Posted by: anti

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 10/07/2000 08:27


That leaves only one question ...
When is the next batch expected ?

Posted by: rob

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 10/07/2000 09:34

Well not quite two years - October 28 1998.

Still a long time, but then, we did reach your position in the queue last August.


Posted by: rob

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 10/07/2000 09:35

It's being manufactured right now. I'd guess we'll be shipping in a couple of weeks.


Posted by: teemcbee

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 10/07/2000 22:05

Why waiting a couple of weeks if it's manufactured now? Do you want to come with your software at a point where it's better tested?


Posted by: Amarth

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 00:36

I would be perfectly happy with that position, sadly, my own registration number is 14229. Makes one wish I had registered back then when I crashed onto the markI homepage for the first time.

On the other hand it seems my VW Golf V6's delivery date is also stretching as it is still on its way in Germany after three months of anxious waiting..

Rob, any words on what would be a realistic date for my Empeg to arrive? September?

I've been reading the boards but haven't noticed a query about us at ~15k (trusting that a fair amount of registrants actually bought the markII).


Posted by: rob

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 01:11

No, I said it's BEING manufactured now :-)

We should get some stock in a couple of weeks.


Posted by: teemcbee

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 01:19

Uuups - I thought the manufactoring doesn't take so long... By the way - just for personal interest - How long does it take for a single player to be ready (from beginning - till packaged and ready to send)?


Posted by: rob

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 02:07

That's hard to quantify because there are a number of distinct processes. First, all circuit boards are manufactured on the automated surface mount line. Then, the few through-hole components are added. The boards are tested on a component level test rig, which shows up any assembly mistakes.

Next, the players are assembled on a manual production line, loaded with software, and tested for full functionality on another automated rig.

The final test process alone takes about 5 minutes per player - around 90 hours for a batch of 1000.


Posted by: teemcbee

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 02:48

Hmm 90 hours - that are about 10 days (if you can calculate with 9 hours per day).
So now I can understand why this will be a couple of weeks to be ready to ship. (the rest of the production process takes more than 5 minutes per unit I guess) Then the packaging and everything else...

Are you going to ship if you have all of the rest of the players or are you going to start shipping when you get in the first ones?


Posted by: anti

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 03:11

Since you found the registration date (BTW: Thanks for the info) I assume I'm still on the system...

"but then, we did reach your position in the queue last August."
Does that imply that if my host hadn't gone crazy I would have my Mark1 for almost a year now ?!

I hope you didn't throw me out of the queue .....

I stumbled into this forum yesterday and read all the reviews and stuff ....
.... believe it or not I had some very pleasant dreams last night :-)

Posted by: teemcbee

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 03:55

This is the link to the page where you can download the video.

Watch it out. It's really cool!! And it shows you what you can look forward to!


Posted by: rob

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 06:27

Yep, you missed your chance to get a Mark 1 a LONG time ago.

You're pretty much at the front of the queue for a Mark 2, though - a couple of weeks from now I'd estimate.


Posted by: rob

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 06:29

Luckily they don't work 9 hours a day, they work 24 hours a day.

We'll start shipping as soon as we start to receive players, which will be at the rate of 50 a day until such time as we're confident to step up from there.


Posted by: teemcbee

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 06:44

So I'm seeing a light at the end of an endless tunnel


Posted by: Dignan

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 10:35

Hey Rob, do you think we could work out a deal for my birthday on the 16th? Maybe a little shift in registration numbers. Like a 5000 number shift?

Posted by: rob

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 11/07/2000 10:42

No, but happy birthday anyway!


Posted by: anti

Re: where in the queue are we ? - 12/07/2000 08:23

Well, sh.t happens when you use a cheap ISP :(
But good to know that I will get my MK2 soon :)