Interesting, I just found this today. On 2.00b13, with and without the latest HIJACK installed -

On the 'Seek Tool' screen, play a song. Pause the song, then put the player into standby. (Hold down 'up' button)
Cut power.
Now, restore power. The player will boot up and go back into standby mode.
Restore the player from standby mode (Hit the 'up' button.). The screen will restore, and the icon at the bottom of the screen will be the "|>" (play) symbol, yet it won't be playing, it'll actually still be paused.

I know, small, but it freaked me out once as I couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting any audio, even though it said it was 'playing'. :>

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper