Attached is a script that will automatically check for upgrades of Hijack, download the latest, and then flash it to your empeg.

Basically, it's a Mark Lord tracker: a solution for those of us who have trouble keeping up with Mark's prolific coding of the excellent Hijack. (Thanks, Mark, for releasing 5 or 6 upgrades this weekend while I was coding so I could test...)

After setting it up, you can just click on the icon and you're done. If your kernel is current, nothing happens; if there's a newer one, it's installed. Error reporting is extensive, downloads are saved, and there's a facility for rolling your kernel back to the last one that successfully flashed. Flashed kernels are verified against the downloaded zImage file.

You need Python and a working Hijack kernel. Tested on WinXP, but should be portable.

First contribution; let me know how it works for you. Comments/suggestions/rants welcome.


[Edit: The latest version is attached to one of my messages below; please scroll down...]

Attachments (60 downloads)

Edited by Gary (03/02/2002 21:29)