For various reasons, I am not yet set up with a real video editing package, but I have the hardware. For other reasons, I need to immediately start sifting through a pile of tapes for video clips. I have my Digital-8 camcorder (connected via firewire), and that is where I've stopped.

For the time being, I am merely looking for a free-to-$50 solution that can get me the following capabilities:

1 - capture video
2 - remote control (FF/REW/PLAY/STOP controls on the PC)
3 - a simple video editor that will allow me to make simple cuts
4 - ability to save as some sort of file that can be imported into Picasa

Of these requirements, #2 is the least important, it would just make the process easier. If this can all be accomplished with one program, that's great. So far I've tried Virtualdub, which appears to have everything but #2, but I haven't tried an actual capture (because it's really freaking late/early).

Thanks for your help on this. I'm hoping to be able to start capturing by Monday evening, and need to get through the entire project with about 30 tapes by Saturday night. Sorry for the hurried time frame, I certainly wish it weren't the case.