I was curious if anyone has considered using the empeg to control a Winradio receiver. Winradio (www.winradio.com) manufactures computer-controlled wide-band receivers. Their external receiver units are controlled via serial port connection to the host computer. Although their name suggests that the receiver is designed to operate under Windows, they are also encouraging support for receiver control under Linux (www.linradio.com).

With the MkII tuner out of reach just now, excess processing power in the empeg, and the serial port, Windradio would give the empeg user access to am/fm/mw and just about every other frequency (up to 4GHz if you need it).

Has anyone tried this? Are their hardware / software issues that would preclude empeg control over a Winradio receiver? Are their any potential developers willing to explore this?

(Anxiously waitng for a MkII empeg / Rio Car with a radio)