Thank you for such a fast response-- you have answered most of my questions. But I still have a few from the last post that need answering. I would like to know if any kind of theft deterent is being built into the Empeg player to make it useless if someone else other than you takes it from the car-- like I mentioned in the previous post, I really don't want to carry this unit with me everytime I go shopping, clubbing, etc. And if you do have a theft deterent, is there something visible the would be burgular can see so he won't bother.
The other point/question, you mention the CPU and I think you said the flash too are embedded-- what happens if one of these parts cease to function and the warranty is out? So I guess that leads me to ask what kind of warranty are you planning to offer? And if you don't have a plan on the table officially-- what kind of warranty is gaining popularity in your company discussions? I know that the problems with embedded chips are rare, but your product will be introduced to shock from car accidents and driving, humidity, electrical noise, heat, and cold to name a few. I know that you have set specs for this product that will allow it to continue to function, but how long before reaching a point where there enviroment starts to degrade performance? I know out here in Texas our cars sitting out in the sun can get up to 140 degrees Far.
