
I am almost ashamed to offer this...

I am NOT a programmer by anyone's view, least of all my own. But I just happen to have access to a nice big Solaris 8 testing box at the office. After building the machine, I had to put a compiler on it, and could not resist dumping the empeg toolchain onto it too...

So, in order to test it, I downloaded the source to a very basic Frotz engine (dumb-frotz, version 2.32r1 port by Alembic Petrofsky, built for standard C and dumb terminal type environments). It actually cross compiled right on the first shot!

Again, I am not a coder. I got lucky, and have not really tested it, other than starting it up with Zork. I may look into other, more powerful Frotz implementation in my infinite spare time. Also, it runs on console - I have not messed with output to the empeg display itself yet. But it is something for the extreme retrogamers out there. Enjoy!!!

Disclaimer: Any bugs you find are your own problem! I really should not be playing with this right now, but it was a good way to test the compiler on the box (at least, I can justify it to my management that way).

95131-empeg-frotz.gz (143 downloads)

Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs