I wonder if you live in Arizona Tony?

Sierra Nevada foothills in California. In the photo at the top of this thread, you're looking across pretty much most of the state, from east to west. You see three layers of mountains. The darkest and closest layer is the foothills I live in. The central valley is beyond that (you can see parts of the valley floor on clear days) broken only by the Sutter Buttes, the dark-blue mountains poking up in the center of the picture. The faint violet mountains making up the edge of the skyline are the coastal range mountains surrounding the ClearLake area.

i wonder what kind of music you would play in the background of such beautiful scenery.

Whatever comes up in the shuffle on the Rio Receiver. I've got outdoor speakers mounted under the eaves on the back porch, just over the hot tub.

Like I said, life is hard.

Generally, evenings like this, the Receiver plays the "Low Key" playlist which tends to contain a lot of Pat Metheny, Lyle Mays, Eric Johnson, Pink Floyd, Mozart, Dire Straits, etc.
Tony Fabris